The Last Thing I Saw by Alex Sinclair
I am not the type of person who likes to try to predict how a book, movie, or tv show is going to end. In fact, when my husband tells me what he *thinks* is going to happen during a movie, I shoot dagger eyes at him and scream "NO SPOILERS". Marriage, amirite? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Well, less than fifty pages into this book, I was able to predict exactly what was going to happen and exactly who the bad guy was. I spent the whole book mentally shouting "It's not Karlo, it's your brother, dumbdumb!" Disappointing to say the least.
I'm starting to think I need to branch outside of the psychological thriller genre, unless I can find a book where the bad guy isn't the trusted confidante or the peripheral character mentioned every couple chapters. Recommendations?
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